How does it live,
What/where is the environment it lives in?-the conditions- what are the characteristics or adaptations that enable it to live where it does. Here is where you can borrow aspects of earth animal to sell the idea.
Does it live on a surface, in a fluid, in a gas/air.
How hot or cold is the environment it lives in.
Is it subject to radiation even/ no magnetosphere.
What are its defenses?- armour . camouflage /cryptic patterning,
What does it live on to survive- is it a predator or prey animal?
How does it gather food or the things it lives on ? or Attack?
What senses does it use?- vision- can extend into UV spectrum or infra red/heat(snakes), some creatures have pressure sensors - like crocodiles, others like some fish and sharks sense electricity in animals. Sense of smell- maybe even smell vision. Could extend into radio or transmission frequencies, microwaves.
Does it make noise or communicate/signal in any way- to the player (in a game say) or between other creatures. If they have good vision possible might have colourful bodies- birds, mantis shrimp can see in a wide spectrum very colourful. Colour to signal creatures state. Warning if its dangerous or poisonous.
some deep sea creatures are red because red is one of the first colour of light to be lost as you go underwater,- making them effectively black and hidden in the depths.
How does it move?- is it fast or slow? Faster streamlining to reduce drag- in wings and fins you can see the difference- slower much broader-larger camber to section. In the case of earth land mammals and birds might have longer legs and fewer toes- think of the horse, the ostrich and the kangaro0. Quadrupeds- like dogs and horses - bent hind legs allow them to start off fast. Straighter front legs, locked by tendons take most of the weight. Bent legs take more muscle force/energy to maintain posture- much harder to maintain the larger animal- try walking around with bent legs!. Smaller animals more crouched.
What is its Structure or body plan? How does this assist its lifestyle or functioning? Internal skeleton or exoskeleton- or none/cartilaginous or like an octopus. Is it symmetrical- might introduce asymmetry - horns broken off for interest. A lot of earth animals are bilaterally symmetrical- few are radial- particularly seacreatures- jellies,starfish. It could just be me but creatures with radial symmetry seem more mechanical and less organic and unthinking. Does it have a front end and aback.
Consider effect of gravity/scale of the creature in design-how big - how small?. Some creatures- particularly very small ones in a fluids don't really have an up direction or sense to their bodies- a bit like space, whereas large animals its very apparent and a limiting factor- legs straighter and under the weight/not sprawling. A consequence of gravity is the shape of creatures for stability. Distribution of weight and their cross section is affected.
How old is the creature?
Does it change shape or metamorphose in different stages of its life cycle or are parts of the creature evident through its life but which grow or develop?
Are there structural or surface or colour changes according seasonal variation or for breeding purposes.
Are there any unique aspect to this particular creature that distinguishes it from others- stronger- bulkier, diseased, or damaged/scarred?
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